
martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016

Cheap advertising banners

Cheap advertising banners

Banderas de publicidad

In terms of increasing the visibility of your company or organization, few things are more effective than cheap advertising banners, while noting that for various reasons, they mean an excellent investment.

If you are responsible for the area of ​​communication or marketing of a company, an event, an exhibition, a sports club etc. You will be interested and much to know what are the advantages of this product and what are the options you have once you make the decision to simply or generically buy flags. This is how you usually get the suggestion, or the order of your superiors: "you have to buy flags"; Your job will be, beyond thinking about banners for cheap advertising, first advise you well and then advise who is appropriate so that that decision is in fact a "win win" as is commonly said, ie a "win win."

To begin with, there are many types of flags that you could choose not only in relation to their size or the material in which they are made, but to their shape, design and ductility. For example and just to suggest an option, you could think of the fly banners that today trend and are widely used.

These are banners of different format (the most common are four: fly banners nicknamed "drops" or "tears", so-called "feathers", known as "surf" and traditional rectangular. Of the traditional rectangular flags? In that they are thought for a mast that rises from the floor to an important height and whose measurement exceeds at least four times the height of the measurement of the flag.

Now, if your question is whether we are still talking about banners for cheap advertising, the answer is certainly yes. The fact that they are new and trend, does not make them an expensive and inaccessible option. In fact, in general, opting for advertising banners as a way to increase the visibility or presence of your company, means from the economic a very convenient option for the following reasons:

- They are a versatile and reusable investment. You will use them again and again, in indoor and outdoor events, in large and small events, as they are light and easily transportable.

- They are visually attractive and mark presence. It is hard to believe, to what extent cheap advertising banners achieve this effect, but it is real and proven.

- They are modern and do not go unnoticed

They are simply beautiful, their elegance and sobriety especially outdoors when they wave, have no comparison to any other type of static advertising.

In summary, I summarize emphatically saying that being cheap advertising banners do not fool you: you are not opting for a poor resource or second category. Quite the contrary is a smart choice, that pays far beyond what you can imagine and that marks a point of visual impact that makes the difference.

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2016

5 reasons to buy advertising banners

5 reasons to buy advertising banners

5 reasons to buy advertising banners

There are multiple options that a company, brand or organization can choose to broadcast their image in terms of outdoor advertising: from static or dynamic billboard, video mapping, to aircraft carrying badges. There is everything to choose, but of course: everything depends not only on the budget that is counted but on the way in which this budget is intended to be rendered in terms of sustained investment.
To be clearer, I exemplify one of the options mentioned above: video mapping a modern and colorful option ... but that has high costs and in fact is as dazzling as ephemeral in time.
Instead, there is an equally modern and eye-catching option that requires a much smaller investment, the results of which are sustained for much longer: advertising banners or advertising banners. I can justify the advantages of opting for this modality, in five compelling reasons. Which are?
 Wide variety of products to choose from
When it comes to advertising banners, you should not only think about the traditional (and indeed very elegant) rectangular flags, but it is a good opportunity to widen your eyes and know that there are many options to choose from, such as fly banners Like flying banners or beach banners), bearers of colorful and variety of forms that make possible an interesting choice and with multiplicity of visual resources. Among these last ones, we have 4 options that are the most demanded currently, namely: fly banners Feather or Surf, fly banners Drop or Teardrop, fly banners Bali and the classic fly banner Rectangular.
 Flags are a showy product
The truth is that the flags do not go unnoticed. We all look at them and that means that a high percentage of the public will pay attention to your brand, offer or announcement.
Flags promote identity
In addition to being an excellent product to expose brands, events or organizations, we are talking about a resource that has the value of tradition (nations, organizations and companies recognize throughout history the value of owning flags that reveal and account for their Identity), plus the value of modernity (modern, flexible, dynamic and light materials on which care designs and colorful colors are stamped).
Advertising banners are good returns with little investment
This is so, and I will not dwell too much on this point because when we start to investigate costs of other options (of the materials themselves, to which are added transfers, armed and disarmed in itinerant events for example) quickly concludes that the flags Of advertising have everything in their favor, since they can be armed and even moved with great ease.
 Advertising banners have multiple usesWith enough creativity, a company uses its advertising banners in many ways, both indoors and outdoors, as background decorations in product presentation or as visual appeal for people to enter the store. A single investment that allows multiple uses.
Better ... impossible!

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Directorio de empresas

Don bandera a gradece a por su gran labor en dar a conocer a Don Bandera. Y en agradecimiento escribe estas palabras para prestarle su apoyo para que siga manteniendo su filosofía. es un directorio de empresas que recibe miles de visitas diarias. Puedes poner tu empresa y anuncio gratuito en este directorio. Lo diferencia de otros directorios de empresas ya que ordena las empresas según sus méritos y no según el dinero que pagan al portal. El portal de es totalmente gratuito. Podéis conseguir que su empresa aparezca en primera línea del directorio totalmente gratis. Don Bandera le recomienda a todos aquellos que quieran posicionar su blog o pagina web.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Relojes personalizados de pulseras unicos y de gran calidad

Relojes personalizados de pulseras unicos y de gran calidad

Los relojes de pulsera siguen siendo uno de los artículos de lujo que más distinción otorga

Los relojes personalizados son relojes exclusivos, para aquellos que realmente quieran verse diferentes y destacar entre la masa de productos genéricos que se encuentran en el mercado. Además, que puedas escoger a tu conveniencia las características y estéticas del reloj, lo convierten en prendas ideales también para mujeres, y muy especialmente, para niños.

Profesionales, empresas, organizaciones, partidos políticos, equipos deportivos… prácticamente cualquier clase de persona puede disfrutar de tener relojes personalizados en sus muñecas. También proponemos relojes con diseños estándar para la Guardia Civil, Policía Nacional, Fuerzas Especiales del ejército, la Legión Española.... ideales para regalos y con 5 años de garantía.

si quieres dar un genial regalo a un ser querido, invertir en la cultura corporativa de tu empresa, o simplemente que tú y algún grupo del que seas parte cuenten con una prenda de alta calidad y valor estético – adquieras relojes de diseño personalizados. Nada te representará mejor que un reloj elegante cuya forma y apariencia refleje exactamente tu gusto.  No tienes por qué derrochar dinero en relojes de marcas famosas con los cuales no conectas realmente. Un reloj personalizado es una gran opción. En Don Bandera te proponemos que personalices el reloj que más te guste o elijas entre los diseños que proponemos.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Aprende a sacarle provecho a las banderas publicitarias

Aprende a sacarle provecho a las banderas publicitarias

Y al fin logré entender la recomendación que me hicieron sobre el uso de banderas publicitarias para mi marca. Después de haberme decidido a ejecutar una promoción con ellas, puedo decir que hice la mejor inversión, tanto en calidad como en precio.

Mi marca a través de esta genial forma de comunicar, logró reforzarse y afianzarse en el mercado.  Gracias a las banderas publicitarias baratas pude captar la atención de clientes potenciales y ni hablar del impacto que su movimiento causaba entre los transeúntes de los lugares estratégicos en donde decidí colocarla.

Las banderas publicitarias son el soporte ideal para la imagen de todas las marcas, así que no dudes en destacar con ellas. Toma en cuenta todos los detalles para que puedas aprovecharlas ampliamente, lo primero es seleccionar el tipo de bandera que quieres usar. En Don Bandera, existen diversos modelos, todos sumamente efectivos para lograr esa promoción ideal:

Learn to take advantage of advertising banners

Learn to take advantage of advertising banners


And finally I managed to understand the recommendation they made on the use of advertising banners for my brand. After having decided to run a promotion with them, I can say that I made the best investment, both in quality and price.

My brand through this great way of communicating, was able to strengthen and strengthen itself in the market. Thanks to the cheap advertising banners I was able to capture the attention of potential customers and not to mention the impact that their movement caused among the passersby of the strategic places where I decided to place it.

The advertising banners are the ideal support for the image of all brands, so do not hesitate to stand out with them. Take into account all the details so you can take full advantage of them, the first thing is to select the type of flag you want to use. In Don Bandera, there are several models, all highly effective to achieve that ideal promotion:- Horizontal banners: these are manufactured in 100% nylon nylon of 115 grs. Screen mesh and are ideal for outdoor use. They also have a reinforcing tape on the left side and two rings D. The hem is made with double stitching with a special thread for outdoor, this gives the guarantee that it is a quality product. Different measures are handled, the most usual: 75x50cm - 100x70cm - 150x100cm - 180x120cm - 210x140cm - 250x150cm - 300x200cm.- Vertical flags and vertical flags prepared for power: they are made in 100% nylon of nylon of 115grs mesh blocked. Specially designed for exteriors, with standard 6cm sheath at the top and weight ring, in the case of vertical flags prepared for power. Both types of flags come with buckles so that they can be fastened on the mast and on the left side they are reinforced with a strap. They have a hem with double stitching with special thread. The most common sizes in which it is made are: 90x300cm - 100x300cm - 120x300cm - 100x400cm - 120x400cm - 150x400cm.- Sports flags: they are manufactured in polyester of 115 grs / m2, three layers, they count with a rigid internal rod. Printing in this type of advertising is done by digital printing and can be done either 1 or 2 sides.- Flag with stick: in polyester of 115 grs. Of mesh blocked, is still the material protagonist in this opportunity. The impression made on them is digital, come with a polished wood stamped 12 mm. It is manufactured in 4 different sizes, which are defined by the need you have when designing your brand: 20x30cm - 30x40cm - 45x70cm - 150x100cm.In order for the advertising banner that you select to really impact, take into account the following tips:- Use striking colors that attract attention from afar and in turn allow those interested to read the information that the flags contain. It uses few colors, it creates a pleasant effect.- The text that you place should be short, direct and easy to understand. Use a proportional size between flag and text, the font you choose should be simple.- Remember, if you are going to include images these should be in high resolution.Take into account that the advertising banners impact by their colors, their design but mainly by their quality, which is exposed to the moment of seeing them to wave with the wind.

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Why use fly banners?

Why use fly banners?

When you come up with promotions, many alternatives will come to your mind, and I am sure that fly banners will be one of them. Maybe some time you get to discard this option, because fly banners or beach flags are usually associated with the promotion on beaches, so let me tell you that currently its use is a trend and has spread to cities for its effectiveness.

The fly banner is the best advertising element for high-impact promotions, the always spread advertising banner is a great advantage, this aspect is a powerful element that sets it apart from other tools. Not to mention the ease that it provides for its mobility, since it can comfortably move from one place to another. The only factor that must be taken into account when installing this effective advertising instrument is the wind speed, this should not exceed 50 km / h.It is important before selecting cheap fly banner, know the different models available, to be able to focus all the effort in the one that most suits the requirement of the promotion. In Don Bandera there are different types and sizes of cheap fly banners, both for interior and exterior:- Fly feather or surf banners.- Fly banners drop the tear.- Fly Bali banners.- Fly rectangular banners.All these cheap flyer banners offered by Don Bandera are made of 100% polyester fabric 115 g / m2., Mesh specially blocked for exterior, come with a mast made of flexible sections of fiberglass and aluminum lacquered in black. In addition you can select between four different bases and see which is ideal for use: cross base with refillable weight, wall base 45 °, car base and picket base.The cheap fly banners are of excellent quality, since their manufacture has a reinforced sheath and seams with double stitp of parallel needles, made with a special thread for outside. The mast they bring is robust and is adapted to any environment, they have a pole made of flexible sections of fiberglass and aluminum lacquered in black.Thanks to fly banners you can get the attention of potential customers if it is a brand, or attendees if you want to use it for some event. You will also make a good investment, as compared to other alternatives fly banners are cheap and durable, as you can assemble and disassemble them as many times as you want.Today you will see fly banners in many events and in strategic places to make a brand known, the reason for this is because as said at the beginning its use is a trend, since it is a very visual advertising medium that impacts quickly. To achieve the desired effect it is important to highlight the use of bright and pleasant colors, short and attractive text and of course use good images so that the message remains in the mind of the consumer or the attendee to the event for an indeterminate time. In general terms, using cheap fly banners is the best option in visual advertising.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Importancia de una bandera institucional o personalizada

Importancia de una bandera institucional o personalizada

La importancia de las banderas institucionales o banderas personalizadas, no siempre es valorada en su real dimensión. Con frecuencia algunas organizaciones de diversa índole expresan la voluntad de contar con una bandera institucional y no todos sus directivos o su personal consigue comprender bien en qué medida tener una bandera institucional marca un antes y un después.
Seguir leyendo

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Know the benefits of advertising flags

Know the benefits of advertising flags

If you are looking to reinforce and / or strengthen the image of your brand, think no more and start using banner advertising.Did you know that the continuous movement that generates a flag brings pizzazz to your brand? Yes, and also they achieve a completely efficient way that people feel pride depending on their position, remember that you can find horizontal and vertical banner advertising.With banner advertising is achieves a differentiator against the competition, a strong sense of belonging is obtained.In the market there are different types of flags, which will allow you to focus and take advantage of this powerful advertising tool:Don Bandera especially has for your company and / or brand, advertising flags to suit your needs: horizontal and vertical banner advertising banner advertising.The horizontal advertising flags are made of 100% nylon polyester 115 gr. with locked, special mesh for outdoor projection. They are made with a reinforcing tape on the left side and two rings D. His cuffs are reinforced for a seam with double stitching with a strong and special thread for outdoor use, which gives durability and strength to this special product.Vertical advertising flags are made of the same material as the horizontal banner advertising, as they are resistant and are made that their results are exceptional at the time of use to publicize your brand or your business.For you to get a greater impact with advertising banners we recommend deploying a number of them in a small environment, so you can stand out and get attention from a distance. Uses short messages go directly to the fact you want to advertise, remember that the space you have is limited.Note that the advertising banners can be used for both specific events as permanent facts also helps you establish your brand, business or product in the minds of your audience, both current and potential.Using banner advertising teaches values ​​of trust and quality to consumers, so sácales advantage, adapt them to your needs and focus your campaign to use its advantages to unfold in your favor.

beneficios de las banderas publicitarias

beneficios de las banderas publicitarias

Si lo que buscas es reforzar y/o afianzar la imagen de tu marca, no lo pienses más y comienza a utilizar banderas publicitarias.

¿Sabías que el continuo movimiento que genera una bandera le aporta dinamismo a tu marca? Pues sí, y además logran de una forma completamente eficiente que las personas sientan orgullo dependiendo de su posición, recuerda que puedes encontrar banderas publicitarias horizontales y banderas publicitarias verticales.


domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

How can companies improve banners for my business

How can companies improve banners for my business

Enterprise flags are used for more than a century to publicize a business, offering a new product or simply create a visual element that does remind customers where they should go buy every day.

banderas para empresas- banderas publicitarias-don bandera
The world is moving at high speed and with it the flags to companies have evolved. Currently you can find a variety of models that make them a perfect product to enhance the brand of a business. Among the flags to leading companies for excellence, we can find the following models:
- Horizontal banners: The oldest, traditional, those who remember the time when man walked on the moon for the first time. It is horizontal banner advertising, usually made of polyester and special outdoor.
vertical -Flags prepared for power: grant solemnity to announce that and, of course, the quality is excellent. If you're after some flags for companies with power, made of highly resistant exterior and special polyester this is the best decision.
-Flags vertical: will be responsible for presenting your business to the world. The flags for companies of these features are a classic that never goes out of style. For its simplicity and elegance conquer the customer from the start.
-Banderines sports and pennants with stick: If a sporting event is organized these flags for companies will be on your list of must. Make the audience feel a participant in the event, encourage sportsmanship and give the event the level it deserves. It is custom flags, surely, will make this sporting event unforgettable.
As a future user of banners for companies you should know that according to statistics custom advertising flags or masts are more effective than a neon sign as they attract your attention with movement and colors. In addition, they are easy to install and inexpensive. Something to consider as a company is that custom flags offer a lot of colors and slogans that can look in different sizes so you can give more emphasis to what he considers really important in your business.
If you want to make a good impression, to convince the public that your business is trustworthy and create a brand that everyone will remember, no doubt, banners are your solution for businesses.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

Learn to select ideal banners fly

A flag is a key to identify or represent a person or group and Don Bandera understand that concept, so look for the best way for your products help people to identify with either tool publicitarias- banners fly -Flags or countries.

Fly banners-lagirma-surf-don-bandera


The fly banners offering are strong and fully adapted to operate both indoors and outdoors. The material used is a high quality fabric 100% polyester composed of 115 grams. per m2 with optical brightener.The manufacture of its products, mainly fly banner is reinforced with a black ribbon that serves as a sheath. The stitching used for banners fly is lockstitch, which is beneficial to the quality for its strength, because the seam is symmetrical on both sides which achieves optimum results.Among the banners fly Don Bandera markets, are the fly surf and fly banner banner drop.The banner fly surf are strong and fit any scenario, both indoors and outdoors, with a mast that is flexible sections made of fiberglass and aluminum painted black. Fly the flag of the banner is made of 100% polyester 115 g. focused especially for outdoor use. In addition they are available in four different bases so you can select the one that best meets the need of the moment: base weighs cross with fillable base wall 45, base for car and pickaxe base. Available in 5 different sizes.The banner drop fly are also designed and manufactured to be used anywhere, for any occasion and at any time. Resistance and 100% polyester functionality is the same for this type of fly banners. It also has four different bases and five different measures to choose those that best suit what you want to achieve.Use fly banners you will capture the attention of new customers, this should take into account the importance of your projection in them is original and surprising to see get the results alone. The banners fly you bring visibility into any kind of events, with them have the assurance that the image of your brand look more attractive and modern.Take advantage of all the benefits and prices that fly banners have for you, especially those of Don Bandera.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

Flags for hotels: welcome your guests deserve

Flags for hotels: welcome your guests deserve

Hotels flags are an important element in the facades of the hospitals first order:

Those hoping continuously receive visitors from all over the world and with very high demands for quality and comfort. The flags for hotels have multiple benefits related to being in themselves, the symbolic representation that best represents all the cultural characteristics of a nation to the outside.
The countries flags project a very important component for guests ceremonial. By placing your banner on the facade, it is said to be welcomed, both as a person as a member of a specific culture and nationality. The flags for hotels must be made with materials of high quality, appropriate size and resistant to the elements, so that in this way can last much longer welcoming to your visitors, and brightness they had from day one.
Flags for hotels: Subtle hospitality
What transmits the public have flags for hotels on the facade of your hotel?
- Acceptance and hospitality. For customers it means they are welcome to stay as long as needed in your hotel.
- Internationalization and seriousness. Many hotels put flags also leading countries where there are branches.
- Specialization. By placing flags for hotels within the establishment, you tell the client to know the particular tastes and customs of their nation and culture, and have experience and motivation to meet them.
- Protocol. When receiving dignitaries and businessmen, it is important that any event or meeting that takes place on site, available for hotels flags corresponding to the nationalities of visitors. This is elementary if visiting royals, leading politicians, professionals and investors, among others will.
In the case of hotels within the European Union, it is advisable to buy packs of flags for hotels in the EU, which also feature peculiar Union flag, including flags of the 27 members of the same.
In Spain, also, if you highlight the cultural diversity of the nation, it is also a good idea to also acquire national flag, flags, autonomous regions or cities.
Either way, the flags for hotels are a very useful to provide for the establishment tool category. It will make international customers feel more accepted and welcome, and present you as a serious and inclusive institution.

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Sports pennants to inflame the Spirit of Athletes


Sports pennants to inflame the Spirit of Athletes

Send and your logo or I'll elaborate to make your Pennant distinctive Deportivo that will differentiate you from others. You are unique and distinctive creations Don Bandera realize that make you stand out from the crowd.

What is a Pennant ?: It is a flag stick, a small banner, made of different materials, plastic, paper, cloth, triangular shapes etc. The sports flag is the emblem characteristic that distinguishes each institution.Like football ?: Look, here many pins are used, an example is the corner (throw), have swimming pennant back in motorsports is the pennant race black and white checkered in all sports is used. Are you referee? You can not lead without flag, without flag stick!Calls in marching bands used. People in your neighborhood, neighborhood or school organized their own bands or bars to support their team and are sure to bring sports wear pins.The free sporting pennant sport is not sport, but if it were it would be a sport rootless because the sports flag, the flag stick is the one that identifies and arouses excitement to throwing spectators to euphoria, support and creating loyalty; sports pennant is the fundamental key in any event.Flames people proudly sporting pennant wreaking their fans with joy and enthusiasm, letting the emotions flowing river which follows its course, nobly supporting their sports idols.Make healthy sport is learning to live in community practice the sport that you like where you do not expose your body to unnecessary risks. Organizes sporting events, yes always carrying your sports flags in every presentation, flags with stick would join the spirit with beautiful cheerleaders chanting the name of the computer and the sound of drums stir neatly sports pennant that good publicity will increase the money your coffers.Sports pennants, flags with stick are an advertising medium that can lead to identify with courage, success and prestige of our athletes; as well as any event, we also create advertising banners and allusive elements in multiple creative, bold and tough formats; at affordable prices and with a service you can trust all your projects. Don Flag - advertising and flags!

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

Don Bandera es una tienda online al mayor, para los individuos y organizaciones

Don Bandera, tienda online de banderas y mástiles

Don Bandera es una tienda online al mayor, para los individuos y organizaciones

Podrá obtener la más amplia variedad de banderas políticas e institucionales.

 Además, ofrece Banderas personalizadas para ayudar a las organizaciones en su publicidad y campañas promocionales.

Las Banderas representan una nación, así como una institución u organización. Por lo tanto, las banderas tienen una alta demanda. Las banderas institucionales defienden la gloria de un país mientras que las banderas publicitarias representan las organizaciones y empresas. Además, existen las banderas fly banners publicitarias muy eficaces en la promoción de un instituciones y empresas. En Don Bandera, se puede obtener la mayor colección de banderas nacionales, así como banderas institucionales y mástiles para banderas.

Don Bandera es un proveedor de banderas y mástiles con precios hasta un 30% más bajos. Con productos de primera calidad, ofrecer una durabilidad más larga. Tienen la capacidad de entregar banderas y pancartas a través de varias dimensiones, de acuerdo con las necesidades de los clientes. Por lo tanto, este proveedor ha asegurado la buena voluntad y reputación de sus productos de alta calidad en toda España.

"Es nuestro orgullo y privilegio servir en algunas de las empresas de primera categoría y organizaciones en toda España". Supervisamos nosotros mismos no como un distribuidor del producto, pero, como proveedor de soluciones integral. Ponemos nuestros mejores esfuerzos para satisfacer los requerimientos de nuestros clientes. Estamos completamente centrados en el cliente y no hay nada más importante para nosotros que la satisfacción de nuestros clientes. Estamos dispuestos a caminar esas millas adicionales que se podrían adoptar para satisfacer y deleitar a nuestros clientes”. Don Bandera es un distribuidor online, que ofrece una amplia colección de banderas y estandartes políticos e institucionales estandarizados y personalizados.
Para más información, visite
TELÉFONO: 638300034

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2016

Fly banner o banderas de playa, en aumento en locales costeros y comercios

Don Bandera se especializa en la venta online de banderas y fly banner.

Imprimiendo los diseños publicitarios de cada empresa, de cada evento, negocio. Las banderas publicitarias son únicas y exclusivas en su diseño, dando un mensaje importante para cada empresa, en Don Bandera nos encargamos de cuidar cada impresión en las banderas para que el cliente quede satisfecho.

Don Bandera podrá comprar banderas y fly banners a todo tipo de empresas, asociaciones, clubs, negocios, grupos, particulares. Con precios hasta un 30% más bajos. Distribuimos nuestras banderas y fly banners en el territorio español (excluyendo Ceuta, Melilla y Canarias)

Los fly banner son unos de los productos más apreciados y utilizados en los últimos tiempos. Sus principales características son su poco peso, versatilidad, precio económico a diferencia de otras opciones Publicitarias. Los fly banner tienen tres formas características lágrima, surf, rectangular y ahora Don Bandera presenta el modelo Bali como novedad. Los fly Banner son también muy utilizados en las campañas publicitarias.

Don Bandera les ofrece Fly Banners, Golf Banner, Mástiles Telescópicos, Banderas Publicitarias, Bandera Institucional, pancartas, Banderas con palo, mástiles de interior, entre otros.

jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

Medidas aconsejables de banderas y mástiles.

Medidas aconsejables de banderas y mástiles.

Las banderas y mástiles tienen que seguir un equilibrio entre su altura y tamaño. A continuación podrás ver una tabla con las medidas de los mástiles y banderas aconsejadas.

Don bandera le proporciona una tabla donde le aconseja el tamaño de bandera que debe utilizar dependiendo de la altura del mástil que posea. En este artículo nos referimos a banderas institucionales o banderas publicitarias horizontales. De las banderas verticales lo trataremos más adelante.
Recibimos email de clientes pidiéndonos consejos sobre qué tamaño de bandera deben poner en su mástil. Nuestra respuesta es: El tamaño de la bandera va en función del tamaño del asta o mástil que tenga instalado o pensemos de instalar. A mayor altura del mástil mayor será el tamaño de la bandera que debemos de usar.

Desde Don bandera esperamos que te sea de utilidad.

sábado, 23 de julio de 2016

Comprar Banderas con palo para mítines políticos, manifestaciones o eventos deportivos.


Las banderas con palo para mítines, manifestaciones o eventos deportivos se convierten en una pieza fundamental para este tipo de eventos, donde crean un ambiente o escenografía ideal.

En el caso de los eventos deportivos, el público anima a su equipo ondeando las banderas para transmitirles fuerza y empuje. Para los mítines políticos las banderas crean un ambiente de unión de partido  y euforia donde el dirigente de turno pueda presentar su programa de partido y consiga convencer a los asistentes o televidentes de que le den sus votos.

En las banderas con palos se suelen imprimir los logos del grupo, mensajes o banderas del país al que representan.

Las banderas con palos se pueden adquirir en diferentes tamaños con un palo más o menos grandes dependiendo de lo grande que sea la bandera.

El palo de la bandera facilita la cogida  y que sean ondeadas por el público que asiste a los eventos.

Las banderas con palo contribuyen a fortalecer la sensación de unidad y pertenencia a un grupo de todos los presentes tanto en los mítines, eventos deportivos, manifestaciones y todo tipo de actos.

jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

Modelos de banderas verticales publicitarias.

Estas son las Confecciones o costuras más utilizadas en las banderas verticales publicitarias.

Las Banderas verticales son uno de los formatos más utilizados para publicidad en el exterior al igual que las banderas horizontales. Las banderas verticales publicitarias pueden imprimirse por el sistema de estampación o por impresión digital, dependiendo de las cantidades. Como norma general se fabrican en tejido de poliéster 100% con un gramaje que oscila de 110grs. a 117grs, según el fabricante.

Hay gran variedad de confecciones según las necesidades de cada cliente. Los formatos más utilizados en las banderas verticales son los siguientes:

-Bandera vertical preparada para potencia:

La  potencia se refiere al brazo giratorio horizontal en la parte superior del mástil, que es el que mantiene la bandera siempre desplegada y actúa como veleta. Las banderas con potencia tienen una ventaja muy considerable, ya que se mantienen extendidas las 24 horas del día con lo que conseguimos que nuestra publicidad este visible a todas horas.

-Bandera vertical con ollados:

La diferencia con las banderas verticales preparadas potencia, es que al no llevar la vaina superior, las banderas verticales no quedan desplegadas y son extendidas por el aire. Como norma las banderas verticales con ollados  se colocan en mástiles con driza.

Siesta pensando en comprar banderas y mástiles en don bandera estaremos encantados de ayudarle.

jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

Con qué tejido se fabrican las Banderas?


Una bandera es una pieza de tela, con forma rectangular en la mayoría de los casos, aunque puede tener formas muy variadas, las banderas se cogen por uno de sus lados a un mástil, o se ata a una driza. Las banderas se utilizan para representar tanto a un país, institución, empresas, personas, uso publicitario, grupos políticos, asociaciones, equipos deportivos…. También se utilizan como método de comunicación.

Según donde vayamos a colocar nuestra bandera deberemos de utilizar un material u otro. Deberemos de consultar en nuestro proveedor de banderas que nos aconsejen el tipo de tejido a utilizar según nuestras necesidades, de esta manera conseguiremos el efecto deseado.

Banderas para exterior:

Las banderas que se utilizan en exterior se fabrican en poliéster 100% con malla bloqueada, es un tejido muy ligero e impermeable que hondea bien con pequeñas brisas. El poliéster es un tejido muy resistente a las inclemencias meteorológicas, ideal para la fabricación de banderas. Otra cosa a tener en cuenta son las tintas, ya que no pueden desteñir con el agua para evitar que se estropeen con la lluvia y la podamos lavar cuando estén sucias.

Banderas para interior:

Como norma general las banderas institucionales que se usan en interior en actos oficiales o de protocolo, se utiliza un tejido más brillante y delicado como el raso satén o seda, para que concuerden con la decoración y acto a celebrar. Las bandera institucionales o de protocolo pueden llevar el escudo o emblema estampado o bordado. A parte de las banderas institucionales también se pueden fabricar banderas publicitarias para interior con la misma técnica.

Si desea banderas y necesita consejo póngase en contacto en su tienda de banderas:

martes, 5 de julio de 2016

Banderas para decorar un stand

Cuando una empresa prepara su estand para un evento es muy importante que cuide su imagen y decoración. Es tan importante que de ella dependerá el captar más o menos público y también se mejorará la imagen corporativa.

Como un complemento de la decoración podemos optar por las banderas, tanto publicitarias como institucionales, bien sea para destacar un producto o comunicar a que país, ciudad o comunidad pertenecemos. Con las banderas haremos que el stand luzca más elegante y distinguido llamando la atención de los visitantes dando pie a poder exponer sus productos y servicios que ofreces de una forma elegante.

Entre las banderas más populares podemos distinguir los fly banners. Existen tres modelos: Fly banners Surf, fly  banners Gota y Fly banner rectangular.
Los fly banner son banderas apropiadas para el exterior, con diferentes tipos de bases para adaptarse a cualquier terreno. Sus grandes ventajas son:
-Los fly banner son fáciles de montar y transportar.
-Los fly banner se montan de manera sencilla y rápida.
-Los fly banner son banderas económicas y eficaces.
-Los fly banner son personalizables 100%.
-Los fly banner son visibles a larga distancia.
Don Bandera está seguro que le puede ayudar y aconsejar en su cometido. Consúltenos sin compromiso.