
martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016

Cheap advertising banners

Cheap advertising banners

Banderas de publicidad

In terms of increasing the visibility of your company or organization, few things are more effective than cheap advertising banners, while noting that for various reasons, they mean an excellent investment.

If you are responsible for the area of ​​communication or marketing of a company, an event, an exhibition, a sports club etc. You will be interested and much to know what are the advantages of this product and what are the options you have once you make the decision to simply or generically buy flags. This is how you usually get the suggestion, or the order of your superiors: "you have to buy flags"; Your job will be, beyond thinking about banners for cheap advertising, first advise you well and then advise who is appropriate so that that decision is in fact a "win win" as is commonly said, ie a "win win."

To begin with, there are many types of flags that you could choose not only in relation to their size or the material in which they are made, but to their shape, design and ductility. For example and just to suggest an option, you could think of the fly banners that today trend and are widely used.

These are banners of different format (the most common are four: fly banners nicknamed "drops" or "tears", so-called "feathers", known as "surf" and traditional rectangular. Of the traditional rectangular flags? In that they are thought for a mast that rises from the floor to an important height and whose measurement exceeds at least four times the height of the measurement of the flag.

Now, if your question is whether we are still talking about banners for cheap advertising, the answer is certainly yes. The fact that they are new and trend, does not make them an expensive and inaccessible option. In fact, in general, opting for advertising banners as a way to increase the visibility or presence of your company, means from the economic a very convenient option for the following reasons:

- They are a versatile and reusable investment. You will use them again and again, in indoor and outdoor events, in large and small events, as they are light and easily transportable.

- They are visually attractive and mark presence. It is hard to believe, to what extent cheap advertising banners achieve this effect, but it is real and proven.

- They are modern and do not go unnoticed

They are simply beautiful, their elegance and sobriety especially outdoors when they wave, have no comparison to any other type of static advertising.

In summary, I summarize emphatically saying that being cheap advertising banners do not fool you: you are not opting for a poor resource or second category. Quite the contrary is a smart choice, that pays far beyond what you can imagine and that marks a point of visual impact that makes the difference.

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2016

5 reasons to buy advertising banners

5 reasons to buy advertising banners

5 reasons to buy advertising banners

There are multiple options that a company, brand or organization can choose to broadcast their image in terms of outdoor advertising: from static or dynamic billboard, video mapping, to aircraft carrying badges. There is everything to choose, but of course: everything depends not only on the budget that is counted but on the way in which this budget is intended to be rendered in terms of sustained investment.
To be clearer, I exemplify one of the options mentioned above: video mapping a modern and colorful option ... but that has high costs and in fact is as dazzling as ephemeral in time.
Instead, there is an equally modern and eye-catching option that requires a much smaller investment, the results of which are sustained for much longer: advertising banners or advertising banners. I can justify the advantages of opting for this modality, in five compelling reasons. Which are?
 Wide variety of products to choose from
When it comes to advertising banners, you should not only think about the traditional (and indeed very elegant) rectangular flags, but it is a good opportunity to widen your eyes and know that there are many options to choose from, such as fly banners Like flying banners or beach banners), bearers of colorful and variety of forms that make possible an interesting choice and with multiplicity of visual resources. Among these last ones, we have 4 options that are the most demanded currently, namely: fly banners Feather or Surf, fly banners Drop or Teardrop, fly banners Bali and the classic fly banner Rectangular.
 Flags are a showy product
The truth is that the flags do not go unnoticed. We all look at them and that means that a high percentage of the public will pay attention to your brand, offer or announcement.
Flags promote identity
In addition to being an excellent product to expose brands, events or organizations, we are talking about a resource that has the value of tradition (nations, organizations and companies recognize throughout history the value of owning flags that reveal and account for their Identity), plus the value of modernity (modern, flexible, dynamic and light materials on which care designs and colorful colors are stamped).
Advertising banners are good returns with little investment
This is so, and I will not dwell too much on this point because when we start to investigate costs of other options (of the materials themselves, to which are added transfers, armed and disarmed in itinerant events for example) quickly concludes that the flags Of advertising have everything in their favor, since they can be armed and even moved with great ease.
 Advertising banners have multiple usesWith enough creativity, a company uses its advertising banners in many ways, both indoors and outdoors, as background decorations in product presentation or as visual appeal for people to enter the store. A single investment that allows multiple uses.
Better ... impossible!

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Directorio de empresas

Don bandera a gradece a por su gran labor en dar a conocer a Don Bandera. Y en agradecimiento escribe estas palabras para prestarle su apoyo para que siga manteniendo su filosofía. es un directorio de empresas que recibe miles de visitas diarias. Puedes poner tu empresa y anuncio gratuito en este directorio. Lo diferencia de otros directorios de empresas ya que ordena las empresas según sus méritos y no según el dinero que pagan al portal. El portal de es totalmente gratuito. Podéis conseguir que su empresa aparezca en primera línea del directorio totalmente gratis. Don Bandera le recomienda a todos aquellos que quieran posicionar su blog o pagina web.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Relojes personalizados de pulseras unicos y de gran calidad

Relojes personalizados de pulseras unicos y de gran calidad

Los relojes de pulsera siguen siendo uno de los artículos de lujo que más distinción otorga

Los relojes personalizados son relojes exclusivos, para aquellos que realmente quieran verse diferentes y destacar entre la masa de productos genéricos que se encuentran en el mercado. Además, que puedas escoger a tu conveniencia las características y estéticas del reloj, lo convierten en prendas ideales también para mujeres, y muy especialmente, para niños.

Profesionales, empresas, organizaciones, partidos políticos, equipos deportivos… prácticamente cualquier clase de persona puede disfrutar de tener relojes personalizados en sus muñecas. También proponemos relojes con diseños estándar para la Guardia Civil, Policía Nacional, Fuerzas Especiales del ejército, la Legión Española.... ideales para regalos y con 5 años de garantía.

si quieres dar un genial regalo a un ser querido, invertir en la cultura corporativa de tu empresa, o simplemente que tú y algún grupo del que seas parte cuenten con una prenda de alta calidad y valor estético – adquieras relojes de diseño personalizados. Nada te representará mejor que un reloj elegante cuya forma y apariencia refleje exactamente tu gusto.  No tienes por qué derrochar dinero en relojes de marcas famosas con los cuales no conectas realmente. Un reloj personalizado es una gran opción. En Don Bandera te proponemos que personalices el reloj que más te guste o elijas entre los diseños que proponemos.